October 8th, 2020 Rebecca Laisch, a crossing guard in St. Cloud was struck by a vehicle as she worked to keep children on their way to school safe.

A driver failed to obey a traffic signal and ran through a red light.
She was in the intersection protecting kiddos crossing 13th street and Michigan Avenue. Rebecca was able to get her children out of the way but was struck by the vehicle, seriously injured and thankfully survived.
She was seriously hurt and has had a long road of recovery, but as you can see, she is still dressed for duty!
Protecting her students is her “Why” for her work!
Osceola County calls Rebecca, “one of their very special heroes.”
“She is an amazing woman, and many others just like her, make sure that precious students safely make it across intersections and streets on their way to and from school.”
We are so grateful that Rebecca has lived to talk about her passion, her injury and that she has the courage to go back out to that same intersection and make sure that no one on her watch gets hit by an inattentive driver.
We all have a choice to end a life or save a life! Let’s slow down and protect amazing Crossing Guards, who are modern day heroes, like Rebecca who are utilizing their passion to protect our most vulnerable road users; our children just walking to and from school!